
Su Proveedor #1 de paneles para pared y techo

5 Razones por las cuales un techo de metal supera a cualquier tipo de techo


1. INSTANTANEAMENTE SUBE EL VALOR DE SU CASA. Los techos tradicionales como teja y asfalto, usualmente deben ser reemplazados cada 10 a 20 años. Un techo de metal garantiza la mejor resistencia y durabilidad, por eso han subido en popularidad especialmente en las areas propensas a tormentas y huracanes. Esto hace que las propiedades con techos de metal cobren valor.

2. AHORRA ENERGIA. El techo de metal no solamente es más fuerte, sino que también reduce dramáticamente el consumo de energía, ya que hace mejor uso de la insulacion. 

3. INCENTIVOS Y DESCUENTOS. Aunque todas las pólizas de seguro son diferentes, muchas de ellas ofrecen descuentos de hasta 30% en caso de que exista un techo de metal. 

4. LA MEJOR GARANTIA EN LA INDUSTRIA. Un techo de Metal Master Shop le da la absoluta tranquilidad. Nuestros techos tienen una garantía de 20 años a vida.

5. BELLEZA INIGUALABLE. No importa que tipo de estilo, color or terminado usted prefiera, existe un techo de metal para su casa o negocio. Sin mencionar que de paso, es el sistema más fuerte que existe en el mercado. 


When it comes to supplying and supporting roofing contractors in Miami, nobody comes close to Metal Master Shop. Looking for a Miami metal roofing supply company? Metal Master Shop can provide you with anything you could possibly need to install a metal roofing system and more. All backed by our knowledgeable and professional team.


7484 NW 8th Street Miami, FL 33126

Phone: (305) 261-9290

Fax: (305) 261-9299


5 Razones por las cuales un techo de metal supera a cualquier tipo de techo





“As soon as I walked in, I saw how professional [the Metal Roofing Conference] looked — I was pretty impressed... This is not your typical fly-by-night conference. The biggest benefit [in attending] would be to understand how to better sell your business… and meeting people out there doing the same thing you are.” 

- Alex Tigera, Roofing Product Control Examiner, Miami-Dade County Product Control, Miami FL

“I like to work with Metal Master. It’s actually the only supplier for metal that I use because of (1) the service, (2) they make me feel like I’m part of the company, and (3) each time that I have a problem, they’re the first ones to go and help me… I’m very happy with their service.”

- Yamile Soriano, Exclusive Construction, Miami, FL

“What I like the most about [the Metal Roofing Conference] is that they pretty much take you step-by-step, and then they explain to you what to do when certain issues arise… The end result is a good-looking roof [which is] what I’m looking for. ”

- Joel Bustos, Dakoma Roofing, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

“Metal roofing as a product is trending upward. The reason why it’s trending upward is that there’s a lot of benefits [of] the product itself — how it’s energy-efficient and code-compliant. It’s long-lasting and sustainable.”

- Brian Partyka, EVP of Business Development, Drexel Metals

Los mejores en el mercado. Lo que me gusta más es su servicio, conocimiento, y el buen trato que siempre tienen, están disponibles en ayudar…

- Omar Santana, Istuete Roofing, Miami, FL

“What I like best about Metal Master is their support. They have a great team [and] good employees, and their services are high in quality. They diversify; they keep different options in metal roofing — different aspects, different products — and they’re well-supplied with resources.”

- Bismarck Rivas, Pontifex Construction, South Florida

“One of the things I like the most about the metal roof is durability… I like the look. It’s green — you can recycle the whole thing... I like the fact that [the Metal Master Shop] specializes in the metal [roof] market, so they have more insights than the rest. ”

- Joel Bustos, Dakoma Roofing, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

“What I like best about Metal Master is their quality. And every time you need anything, you just give them a call and they’ll help you out with any expert advice that you might need — any technical questions, any difficulties. If you need any type of fasteners, screws for the solar panels, the clips — anything of that nature — they’re willing to give you a hand.”

- Angel Cardoso, Global Builders Group, Miami Dade County, FL

Me fue bastante bien. Simplement ayudan muchisimo. He trabajado con otros distribuidores y no son tan colaboradores como Metal Masters. Se trabaja agusto con ellos. El delivery es a tiempo y cumplen con su horario.

- Eduardo Cardona, Projection One, Miami, FL